iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories
iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories


iPhone 15 Mobile Phone Photography Accessories

Mobile Phone Accessories

Shenzhen VIJIM Technology Co.,Ltd. Ulanzi International Group

This is a multifunctional protective case that not only offers basic protection but also caters to users' professional photography needs. The accessory series includes a Bluetooth shooting handle, the O-lock eco-system, and a phone holder, designed for outdoor photography scenarios. With unified ports and an ecosystem-oriented design, it's easy to carry and use while providing stable and reliable shooting results for users.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users