Jack Goldstein
Jack Goldstein
Jack Goldstein
Jack Goldstein


Jack Goldstein


MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main

“Art should be a trailer for the future.” This book accompanied the first comprehensive exhibition of the works of the Californian artist. Jack Goldstein (1945 – 2003) is one of the most important “artists’ artists” of the past thirty years. His unusual oeuvre is distinguished by diversity and independence: it encompasses films, LPs, paintings and graphically designed aphorisms. Fine German accorded each of these media a staging of its own; the film stills, for example, are immersed on the pages in jet black, thus reproducing the impression of their projection on the walls of the exhibition room.

Client / Manufacturer
MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main

MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt am Main, DE

Fine German

Frankfurt am Main, DE