Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon
Jang Daewon


Jang Daewon

Health supplement packaging

Daewon Pharmaceutical

Jang Daewon is a Daewon’s line of dietary supplements is good for gut health and eyes, bones, and the liver. The packaging is bright and fresh to inspire confidence and make the product approachable to encourage consumers to try it out. Lively colors, clear pictograms, and a classic logo are design elements that help people understand the product. Colors refer to the ingredients in each supplement, and pictograms intuitively represent the organ it benefits. The logo design has a stamp as its motif, creating a classic and unique brand identity.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User