Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx
Jinx Drinx


Jinx Drinx

Alcohol and spirits packaging

Jinx Drinx is a tamper-proof, straw-embedded soft pouch solution for alcoholic beverages. Jinx Drinx presented us with a unique challenge. Their extensive research into drink culture and tampering incidents led them to seek a new packaging solution. They wanted something that would be tamper-proof and efficient to produce. After much consideration, we landed on a soft pouch. A straw seemed like an obvious choice, but we wanted to take it further and embed the straw directly into the pouch. This was the starting point for our journey, as we set out to create the perfect form and material for usability, straw access, and production efficiency.

Client / Manufacturer


San Jose, US


San Jose, USNate Jiang, Leo Chao
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry