Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302
Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302


Kamstrup 302 MULTICAL® 302

Heat and cooling meter

Limited space in heating installations makes mounting and reading of heat meters a notorious challenge. In the design, emphasis has been placed on ensuring the best working conditions for installers and meter readers. Designing the meter within a circle of 59 mm, the meter can be turned 360 degrees securing an always optimal angle for reading the LCD even if placed near the floor or near the ceiling. The circular profile facilitates a hassle free mounting of the meter as it will always fit into the very shallow meter cabinets (100 mm depth). The choice of colors underlines the compactness of the product.

Client / Manufacturer

Kamstrup A / S

Skanderborg, DK
Kjaerulff Design

Kjaerulff Design

Hadsund, DK