Kanae Tsukamoto / Kanae Design Labo
Kanae Tsukamoto / Kanae Design Labo
Kanae Tsukamoto / Kanae Design Labo
Kanae Tsukamoto / Kanae Design Labo


Kanae Tsukamoto / Kanae Design Labo

Lighting fixture

These hanging lamps are designed to produce the right ambiance for relaxed yet stylish home dining. The design aim was to ensure a lighting effect that was cozy but not too dim, perfect for culinary gatherings of family or friends. The lamps could also be used in an entrance hall, living room or bedroom as a tool to achieve a "quiet impact" in intimate yet functional spaces. The lamps were created using a 3D plaster printer.

Client / Manufacturer

Takizumi Electric Industries LTD.

Osaka, JP
Kanae Design Labo

Kanae Design Labo

Kyoto, JP
Date of Launch
Development Time
Other duration
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Japan for this year at least.
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Other target groups: Shops and restaurants use