Kulturbericht 2007
Kulturbericht 2007
Kulturbericht 2007
Kulturbericht 2007


Kulturbericht 2007

Annual CSR report

Since 2005 E.ON Energie AG presents its cultural and social activities by publishing an annual cultural report designed by Milch design. The report is targeted to press, partners, public and last but especially to employees. The cultural report of 2007 is focused on one topic of the cultural activities of E.ON Energie for the first time. 2007’s topic was collecting; future topics will be sponsoring and exhibiting. The central part is completed by a chronological documentation of all cultural activities. This new concept gives the audience a deeper insight in the motivation and methods of the cultural and social engagements of E.ON Energie.

Client / Manufacturer

E.ON Energie AG

München, DE

Milch design GmbH

München, DE