People living in Guinea on the western coast of Africa have to make do with the same amount of electricity that Americans consume in three days for a year. Because of this serious power shortage, the day comes to an end for 90% of the population right after sunset. Children here often gather at airports, where they can find light to study. However, there are many dangers in the darkness along the way. ‘Lampen’ is a pen that can be used to generate electricity to protect these children. It uses electromagnetic induction to recharge and it can then emit light. 1 minute of shaking enables the pen to glow for about 1 hour.

Personal power generation on a small, intimate scale to help in regions way off the grid
WINNER STATEMENTWe are really happy!
UNIVERSITYKookmin University
Seoul, KR
Hyunsu Park
Kookmin University