Leichten Herzens
Organ donation day event
BZgA (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung)
According to the BZgA, 80% of Germany's population endorse organ donation only 17% have got an organ donor card! Thus this sensitive topic must be brought to the publics attention! The kick-off-event in Berlin creates awareness and promotes the face2face dialogue. Touring through Germany, the exposition Leichten Herzens ensures that the discourse endures everywhere in the republic. Emotional campaigns and reliable information help to take a thought-out decision. The aim is to document everybodys opinion, be it in favour or against, in a filled-in organ donor card.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
BZgA (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung)
Köln, DE