Lichtpositionen - zwischen Kultur und Technik / Light Perspectives - between culture and technology
Lichtpositionen - zwischen Kultur und Technik / Light Perspectives - between culture and technology
Lichtpositionen - zwischen Kultur und Technik / Light Perspectives - between culture and technology
Lichtpositionen - zwischen Kultur und Technik / Light Perspectives - between culture and technology


Lichtpositionen - zwischen Kultur und Technik / Light Perspectives - between culture and technology

Book release


With the release of the book “Light Perspectives – between culture and technology” ERCO will be making an inspirational contribution towards communication between designers and engineers. What are the intrinsic qualities of light? How are the techniques and design approaches implemented in architecture? And, how are concepts conveyed with the help of lighting qualities? These are questions that the book answers. The 21 chapters – divided into the three sections “Light”, “Space” and “Perspectives” – cover the actual qualities of light, the relationship between light and space and, finally, the intrinsic dimension of light as it relates to culture.