Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike
Little Stone E-bike


Little Stone E-bike


Little Stone is a technology-enabled, easy-to-use, and simple urban modular e-bike. The one-piece magnesium alloy frame, without welding, is simple and stylish, making cycling as a part of fashionable life. The modular design method, quick disassembly design, and modular integration facilitate maintenance and replacement, accommodate more useful while reducing packaging volume and transportation costs. Adopting a clean shaft transmission system from the automotive industry, without chain dropping off or oil stains, to better enhance the riding experience. Classic geometric frame is with high applicability, suitable for both men and women

Client / Manufacturer

Honbon New Energy Co., Ltd

wuxi, Jiangsu, CN

Honbon New Energy Co., Ltd

wuxi, Jiangsu, CNzhangZhou,ChenTao
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users