Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand
Lumen Learning Rebrand


Lumen Learning Rebrand


Lumen Learning creates evidence-based courseware and professional development tools for higher education. Working to level the playing field in education, Lumen’s old brand didn’t reflect their focus on equity and only spoke to students, leaving out their purchasing decisionmakers – educators. With input from the Lumen team and their customers, we centered the new brand around the connections they enable educators to make with each other and with students. We developed a brand positioning, messaging, personality, tone of voice and visual identity to help Lumen spread their mission to enable unprecedented learning for all students.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
"Educational sector & students"