Magic Box
This multi-functional box is designed to be used by children in bookstores and intends to make the reading experience more enjoyable. A rectangle is the basic unit that has various heights to meet the sitting requirements for different children. Different units can be stacked firmly to allow children to reach books on higher shelves. The books can be placed in the seat when it is turned over. Wheels and an adjustable handle make it possible for the children to transport the books they want to the checkout themselves. Eco-friendly light wood or rigid plastics are employed to ensure children’s health and provide long-term service.
"This modular and stackable furniture system for kids is well designed, beautiful, thought through and an interesting way to combine a sense of playfulness, function and animation for the children to read. It is interring for the kids to use, almost like Lego blogs, it is highly functional and well tested, like a shopping cart and it is aesthetically pleasing and recognizable in its typology."
WINNER STATEMENTThe "Magic Box" has created a magic moment for me on a magic day. It really means a lot to me and gives me more confidence to make a difference.
Client / Manufacturer