Communication device
Chikaku Inc.
Since the arrival of the smartphone, people take a lot more photos of their kids. But it's still difficult to share them with grandparents who may not be very comfortable with technology. A device like, for instance, Apple TV is not suitable for them because they can’t set it up. Now there's “mago-channel”, the easiest way for grandparents to follow their grandkids' daily life from a distance. This gives grandparents a dedicated TV channel all about their grandkids. This device could not be easier to install: just connect it to the TV and you're ready to go. You can even use the same TV remote control. No Wi-Fi connection is needed either, as the device uses a mobile sim to connect to the internet.
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Public Sector / Government