Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land
Majestic Land


Majestic Land

Sales Center

Majestic Land is a sales center for real estate property located in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China. Taking Jiangnan as a clue, the beauty of traditional life blends with the texture of modern cities in an abstract language to create a picture full of tension in the interior. In this project, DIA boldly uses a large area of white and green to contrast two materials, portraying a three-dimensional painting of the integration of traditional water towns and modern cities, creating a landmark community meeting room with an exhibition, sales, and entertainment functions.

Client / Manufacturer

China Resources Land East China Region, Shanghai Company

Shanghai, CN

Dejoy International Architects Co. Ltd.

Shanghai, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users