Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign
Medicine Bottle In Redesign


Medicine Bottle In Redesign

Packaging Design

This product changes the way of measuring and taking liquid medicine. The design of a portable bottle simplifies the steps of taking the liquid out, and reduces unnecessary residuals in the measuring cup that causes subsequent cleaning. The medicine measuring cup is integrated with the medicine bottle, which makes it easy and quick to get a required volume of liquid by simply twisting the cap to a certain scale and then pressing the cap.The design minimizes misoperation and improves the safety of taking medicine by required volume.The bottle can be open and closed by one hand, which is very convenient for the patients.

Client / Manufacturer

Bi Wei

Guangzhou, CN

Bi Wei

Guangzhou, CNBi Wei, Wu Zhihao, Chen Dongsheng, Xin Weilu,Mo Xiaodong
Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users