MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch
MEMO Patch


MEMO Patch

Ambulatory ECG Monitor

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 32% of global deaths. Heart conditions often progress silently, with one in four individuals remaining unaware of their condition and missing timely intervention. Long-term, continuous monitoring is a precondition for accurate diagnosis and early treatment. MEMO Patch is a lightweight low-power, reusable device, and the device measures ECG signals for 14 consecutive days, which are then stored and transmitted. The device provides various options to ensure patient mobility and comfort, while also offering medical providers a seamless experience for operating the device and diagnosis.

Client / Manufacturer

HUINNO Co., Ltd.

Seoul, KR

HUINNO Co., Ltd.

Seoul, KRHwayoung Seo, Jinsung Choi, Suhyun Park
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users