Mercedes Lunch Roulette
Mercedes Lunch Roulette
Mercedes Lunch Roulette
Mercedes Lunch Roulette


Mercedes Lunch Roulette

Intranet tool

Daimler AG

Companies harbor an enormous amount of potential in their employees. However, there is often a lack of internal exchange, especially across the hierarchical levels. Mercedes-Benz Global Services & Parts (GSP) wants to use this potential and has been seeking ideas for professional, company-internal networks. They therefore developed Mercedes-Benz Lunch Roulette. The application connects employees randomly for a blind business lunch. Participants choose a time slot and venue and receive an email confirming the date and the contact details of their lunch partner. This is a playful approach that helps employees see the bigger picture

Date of Launch
Development Time
other period: 3 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Other target groups: Internal employees of Mercedes-Benz