MINI Washer
MINI Washer
MINI Washer
MINI Washer


MINI Washer

Washing machine

The target consumer group of MINI Washer is the high-end consumer pursuing high quality of life and who has a keen taste to fashion. As for the function, in order to meet the emerging consumption demands for the customers, such as high washing frequency, various washing requirements, water-saving and electricity-saving, environment-friendly and healthy, MINI Washer is developed and designed with dual dynamic modules, a module for stopping immediately after washing clean combined with DD (direct drive) motor module. The brand-new heating-wash function is added to treat the clothes at a high temperature.

Client / Manufacturer

Qingdao Washing Machine Co., Ltd.

Qingdao, CN
Industrial Design Center of Haier Group

Industrial Design Center of Haier Group

Qingdao, CN