Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management
Modernizing Mainframe Management


Modernizing Mainframe Management

Web application


Management Services Catalog and Change Tracker simplify and streamline the management and configuration tracking of mission-critical systems and application software for system programmers. Instead of relying on decades-old processes with workaround solutions documented in multiple places, they make it possible and easier for system programmers to standardize, document, and pass institutional knowledge to the next generation of colleagues. We used the process of designing GUI-based applications as an opportunity to not only simplify the user experience but to reduce manual processes and make mainframe modernization a less daunting task.

Date of Launch
Development Time
more than 24 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government