Moobe Application - Accessible Cities
Moobe Application - Accessible Cities
Moobe Application - Accessible Cities
Moobe Application - Accessible Cities


Moobe Application - Accessible Cities


Moobe was developed to offer a complete experience of accessibility in cities, promoting access to tourism, sports, entertainment, and other services for people with disabilities (PwD). Aiming to boost the independence of PwD in exploring cities, the app provides information about places that offer accessible infrastructure and shares the accessible route to these places using an interactive map or a voice-guided system. Users can share their experiences about various locations, from accessible tourist spots to cultural sites that offer inclusive services.


This concept shows that it's possible to make a big difference in small ways. By facilitating access to existing infrastructure, this app goes a long way toward making cities more accessible for people with disabilities.


It's a great honor to receive the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD alongside so many transformative projects. We believe that every person has a right to experience the best that cities have to offer. This recognition spurs us on to make the world a better place for all.


Instituto Federal de Educação de Santa Catarina

Florianópolis, BR

Kelven de Souza Carvalho

Instituto Federal de Educação de Santa Catarina

Noelle Atkienson Ornelas

Instituto Federal de Educação de Santa Catarina