Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles
Moon Turtles


Moon Turtles

Virtual training tool

Wolf in Motion

Moon Turtles is a VR experience aimed at improving the education of turtle guides in Cape Verde. Holding tours discourages locals from poaching the turtles, boosts the tourism economy, and helps save the turtles from potential predators. However, training guides in a real-life situation can be difficult as the turtles only nest for short periods of the year. A guide's incorrect actions can irritate the turtles, reducing the chance that the turtles return to nest again. This tool lets guides train all year round and make mistakes without real consequences and also practice resolving difficult situations with unruly tour members.

Client / Manufacturer
Wolf in Motion

Wolf in Motion

London, GB

Project Biodiversity

Santa Maria, Ilha do Sal, CV
Wolf in Motion

Wolf in Motion

London, GB
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Public Sector Government