MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center
MTU new communication center


MTU new communication center

Interior Design for the new communication Center

MTU Aero Engines AG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of aircraft engines in aviation industry. In Munich, a new communications center with catering facilities and various areas were designed by brandherm + krumrey with a holistic and multifaceted spatial concept. Not only provides a culinary meeting point with feel-good spaces for different needs, but also attends to details in order to offer a high quality of dining experience.

Client / Manufacturer

MTU Aero Engines AG

München, DE

brandherm + krumrey interior architecture

Cologne, DESusanne Brandherm, Janina Jaekel, Anke Knauf

Lämmler + Falkenstein

Darmstadt, DE

RKW Architektur +

Düsseldorf, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry