Ninja-Lite BB
Ninja-Lite BB


Ninja-Lite BB

Thread-together bottom bracket

Token Products Inc.

Ninja-Lite is a thread-together bottom bracket (BB) which was engineered to bring the essential characters of our Ninja BB – stiffness, smoothness and silence – to the OEM market. Some special OEM-friendly features such as near-square thread and slots formed on the outer bore of the cups have been extensively prototyped and tested, making Ninja-Lite more tolerate to BB-shell dimension and tightening-torque variation. As the BB cup is made of reinforced engineering composite, it's very light, too. There will be OEM version and aftermarket version, while the latter uses special bearings which makes it even lighter.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry