NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone
NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone


NUX B-6 Wireless System for Saxophone

Saxophone microphone

Cherub Technology Co., Ltd.

This device was developed for saxophonists and other orchestral players. It is a specially designed portable orchestral wireless system for picking up wind instruments, offering performers more dynamic performance possibilities, thanks to its wireless design. The gooseneck mic contains an innovative shock-absorbing structure and a quality mic that features directional pickup and eliminates noises of saxophone keys. Additionally, an advanced algorithm ensures low latency and a highly efficient remote transmission of audio signals. Its portable magnetic power case makes it easy for orchestral players at live performances to charge and store it conveniently.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User