ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker
ooh noo baby walker


ooh noo baby walker

Baby walker

Wilsonic Design

The Ooh Noo baby walker is a walking and balance aid for infants’ first steps. It’s extra fun, too. Not just because the walker is sturdy and helps babies take those first steps—it can also involve older siblings, who can be pushed around the house in it. The baby walker is made of wood and metal and is easy to recycle. When manufacturing the wheels, circular cutting can create a considerable amount of subpar results, typically resulting in waste. The thick rubber lining of this baby walker’s wheels compensates for any unevenness and prevents waste.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User