Corporate Communication
orgoo® creative desk furniture for children and young people quandel design und kommunikation developed the label, the brand- and corporate design and all the advertising and communication media. The central medium is the orgoo® website, which provides a summary of all the product information and latest news. Here, there is a visual interplay between the emotional picture worlds of children in their dream jobs and informative communication elements. A particular highlight of the website is the orgoo® configurator, with which visitors can simulate all possible variations of the product. In addition, a comprehensive specialist dealer and end-user communication has also been developed and realized. The child-friendly name, orgoo®, plays with a double letter (oo), which facilitates the invention and positioning of an imaginary figure: The smiling, grinning, ponderous... orgoo®. The logo represents an entire product family. Its members are also able to appear on their own and will get individual logos, which form an expandable logo family. Expandable like the young product itself. Alongside a packaging concept, various sets of patterns and colors as well as a modular advertising concept, an unconventional trade fair appearance was also developed for the young orgoo® family.
Konrad Merkt GmbH Metalltechnik
Spaichingen, DE