Pardal - Original
Pardal - Original
Pardal - Original
Pardal - Original


Pardal - Original

PopsicIe and ice cream

“Original” is one of the four lines of the ice cream and popsicles brand “Pardal.” These products bring us Brazilian northeastern traditional flavors, where the cuisine is strongly influenced by local ingredients and flavors, as the cashew nut, coconut, tapioca (Indian recipe made of manioc flour), the “cajá” and “graviola” fruits. We designed these packages to enhance the story and the roots of the brand (founded in 1990 in a small town in the Brazilian northeast, by a housewife who manufactured their products in her kitchen) and our traditional tastes. Packaging stimulates the audience to emotionally recognize their culture.

Client / Manufacturer

Pardal Indústria e Comércio de Sorv

Eusébio, BR
Studio abracadabra

Studio abracadabra

Fortaleza, BR
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
South America, "Northeast of Brazil"
Target Groups
Consumer / User