Pecu prevents stuffed animal toys from ending up in landfill by offering a DIY kit for parents to give a new life to their child's toys. By introducing new features to the toy, it also opens up parent-child discussions about the impact of human activity on animals. Accompanied by an e-picture book, parents can adapt the animal’s story to their child’s cognitive abilities – allowing the story to be retold over the years in ever greater complexity. Beyond extending a toy’s life, its meaning is enhanced by encouraging the child to reflect on how human behavior affects real animals. Pecu is stuffed with meaning, becoming a voice for animal protection.
Pecu is an upcycling tool with a strong moral-ethical message: taking care of animals. It comprises a kit to revive and renew worn-out yet much-loved stuffed animal toys and an e-picture book that opens up dialogue around animal protection issues and fosters respectful behavior towards real animals from a young age.
WINNER STATEMENTI am honored to receive this award, which has given me the confidence to bring this project to fruition! Although stuffed animals may seem like a small effort, yet this has the ability to disrupt a link in the consumerist supply chain. I aspire to do better for the planet with my designs through play – instilling subtle behavioral changes in the process.