Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink
Period Drink


Period Drink

Wellness Drink

Period is a soothing drink designed to support female menstruation, containing a carefully curated blend of quality raw cocoa, intense turmeric, punchy black pepper and earthy Reishi, spiced with a pinch of cardamom and cinnamon. Our ingredients are naturally high in magnesium, iron, and niacin; supporting blood formation, muscle function, and increased energy levels. Whilst being a way for women to relax and unwind, Period also contributes to the global conversation around women’s rights. Encouraging and normalising open conversations around the menstrual cycle.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users