Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system
Philips Avent packaging design system


Philips Avent packaging design system

Baby bottle packaging


New parents face many difficult choices and choosing the right products for their child can be overwhelming. This calm, reassuring, simple, yet sophisticated packaging design helps parents easily navigate the confusion and clutter. The consumer-first focus is warm and approachable, soft and rounded, human, clear and simple. At the same time, the packaging is both modern and innovative, clearly displaying those elements parents need to make an informed choice. The system is highly flexible while meeting the requirements of a very broad portfolio, suitable for any size or shape pack and supporting multiple languages.

Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Specific sub-group: Pregnant moms and first-time parents