Philips CT Brilliance Family
Philips CT Brilliance Family
Philips CT Brilliance Family
Philips CT Brilliance Family


Philips CT Brilliance Family

Computer tomography system

Philips Medical Systems

The Philips CT (computed tomography) Brilliance Family of scanners produce a cross-sectional image of a patient's anatomy. They're invaluable tools that help the clinician to rule out or confirm the presence of certain diseases. Patients requiring a CT scan will benefit from the new scanners because of the ease with which patients can be set up on the table, the sub-millimetre detail and the unmatched speed with which the scanner operates. This is particularly beneficial in trauma cases for example, where more rapid assessment and decision-making can mean the difference between life and death. All CT scanners use X-rays, but the new Brilliance scanners give a significantly lower dose to the patient than most, while still producing exceptional images. Also, the new Brilliance scanners sturdy table design can handle patients up to 440 lbs.