Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils
Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils


Philips Smart Fit 1.5T Coils

Soft Coils for MRI


This project is an upgrade to Philips MR 5300 system introducing two new coils - TorsoCardiac & Shoulder, which are used to capture high-end images of torso, heart, and shoulder. Together with the UI design on gantry display, the coil intuitively guides the user to set up the scan efficiently, especially for inexperienced users. It also empowers the user to provide more enjoyable MR experience for the patient with its skin-friendly soft material, light weight (76 percent lighter than conventional models), and high flexibility that comfortably fits to various body shapes like a blanket.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
"MR Technologists"