pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series
pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series


pidan Pet Food for Cat Wild Alaska Salmon Series

Package Design

The Alaska Wild Salmon cat food series is the first domestic line with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for wild salmon ingredients. Unlike typical pet food packaging, we emphasize the MSC logo and ingredient details, our main competitive advantage. This approach communicates objective value and a fresh, quality visual.

Client / Manufacturer


Shanghai, CN


Shanghai, CNXiaomei Liu
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users