Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit
Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit


Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit

E-Drive System

In June 2023 Pinion presented the revolutionary new E-Drive system at the Eurobike show. The drivetrain is the heart of an e-bike. Up to this time, this has consisted of two separate systems - a gearshift and a motor, which usually come from different manufacturers and yet somehow have to work together. The consequences are bad shifting performance, high wear, followed by high maintenance with enormous costs. The Pinion Motor.Gearbox.Unit (MGU) is here to change that. Pinion brings together what belongs together. The Pinion MGU is the e-bike technology of the next generation - because it combines motor and gearshift into one unit.

Client / Manufacturer

Pinion GmbH

Denkendorf, DE

Pinion GmbH

Denkendorf, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
more than 24 Month
Target Regions
Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry