Portable collaborative medical bandage
Portable collaborative medical bandage
Portable collaborative medical bandage
Portable collaborative medical bandage


Portable collaborative medical bandage

Emergency rescue, household medical treatment

It is difficult to bandage the wound with gauze alone. It allows the wounded to bandage the wound more conveniently. The whole dressing process can be completed with one hand, and provides a sterile and safe storage environment for bandages. 1. The gauze bandage is not easy to tear, especially for children and the elderly. 2. Without scissors, the bandages are not torn neatly, which will waste some bandages. 3. In the process of storing gauze, it may be polluted by dust or medical liquid, which will also lead to waste. 4. It is easy to be in a hurry during the dressing process. I hope this product can accompany the injured like a nurse.

Client / Manufacturer

Heilongjiang Concentration Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

haerbin, CN
Hebei Yunbo Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

Hebei Yunbo Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

Shijiazhuang, CNDu Tianyi,Xue Yatong,An Sining,,Di Yijia,Yang Yujing

Heilongjiang Concentration Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

haerbin, CNLi Xiaopeng,Li Bo,Wang Xiaorui,Zhao Zehao
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government