POWERbänk - EV Charging Service
Urban solution for a EV charging service
The EV revolution is underway, yet the charging infrastructure has not kept pace. This deters people who neither have a garage nor live close to a charging station from purchasing an electric car. The designers set out to create a solution to this problem. The concept allows EV owners to order a battery charge via the app whenever needed. A mobile battery pack is then delivered to the parked location of the EV, connected to the vehicle, and picked up after the charging process has been completed. The battery packs offer a seating option for passers-by, who can also charge their mobile devices free of charge at a USB port.
This mobile EV charging system is a timely service design that responds to SDG 9 ("industry, innovation and infrastructure") by increasing access to electromobility.
WINNER STATEMENTWe are very honored to receive the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD 2023. The award is a significant distinction for our work. We would like to thank all those who have helped us along the way. It gives us great motivation for further projects.
UNIVERSITYHochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE
Mario Rieker
Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd