Predator G6-710
Gaming desktop PC
Acer Inc.The design theme of the Predator G6-710 is armor. We use the theme to emphasize its reliability and stability. Inspired by overlapping flakes, straightforward aggressiveness and dynamic movement, G6 does a great job on transferring these unique elements into its powerful and distinctive style. The exciting red accent color highlights, concrete-angle and dynamic-triangle design present a powerful, high-tech image and a full-fledged audio-visual gaming experience. There are “Growl Lights” on both sides. They shine when enter the Overclocking mode. This unbreakable, unstoppable war machine will be your only partner on the battlefield.
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, "Enthusiastic gamers"