Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16
Predator Helios Neo 14/16


Predator Helios Neo 14/16

Gaming Laptop

Acer Inc.

The Predator Helios Neo 16 and Neo 14 are the latest gaming laptops offering a new look, performance-focused hardware and optimization, and high-refresh displays to keep gameplay smooth. Optimization is further improved with updates to the utility app software PredatorSense – giving control over almost every aspect of the PC. Unique design, reliable performance, advanced cooling, customization options, and upgradability distinguish these gaming laptops.

Client / Manufacturer
Acer Inc.

Acer Inc.

Taipei, TW
Acer Inc.

Acer Inc.

Taipei, TW
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users