Prinses Máxima Centrum
Center for pediatric oncology
Prinses Máxima Centrum
The Princess Máxima Centre was created to offer development-centred healthcare. Even when ill, young patients are still growing. It is thus important to encourage their cognitive, socio-emotional and motor development. This means that the hospital’s organisation, interior layout and facilities must meet high standards. MMEK' involved all stakeholders in the design process to ensure that these standards could be fulfilled. The brand identity is expressed in all rooms, furniture and toys to form part of an integral design. The result is a strong, harmonious design centred on patients, their families and healthcare professionals.
Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: The Netherlands/ aim: top 5 in the world
Target Groups
Public Sector / Government, Other target groups: children with cancer and their families