r577 v28
remote control
ruwido austria GmbHruwidos mission is to create products for a better world. with the better world architecture r577 we created the cleanest remote in the world. the r577 v28 combines outstanding sustainability with the brilliant tactile feeling&haptic of a premium remote. it has a 70% lower carbon footprint, no chemical lacquering, coatings&printings, the production is done with 100% renewable energy in Austria. r577 v28 has a physical energy storage, no batteries are used and disposed in the whole lifetime of the product. the r577 v28 provides voice-over and on screen overlay creating an exceptionally convenient TV experience also for visually impaired users.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
ruwido austria GmbH
neumarkt am wallersee, ATruwido austria GmbH
neumarkt am wallersee, ATzeug Design GmbH
salzburg, ATDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
North America, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users