Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw
Redesign Website grosshandel-bw


Redesign Website grosshandel-bw


The website for grosshandel-bw as a hub of communication is groundbreaking for a digital future. A special feature is the new structure and combination of topics & services, represented by a geometric-abstract sign system. The icons lead through the thematic world of the association and show the interface to the services. The news as well as the internal member area are structured according to the theme icons, the visual orientation improves the user experience. The website offers many new functions, such as an interactive calendar. The presentation of the members offers emotions and exciting insights.

Client / Manufacturer

grosshandel-bw – Verband für Dienstleistung, Groß- und Außenhandel Baden-Württemberg e. V.

Mannheim, DE
dreisatz – büro für gestaltung

dreisatz – büro für gestaltung

Waiblingen, DENadine Villani, Tim Roth und Friedemann Theilacker
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Trade / Industry