Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics
Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics


Refillable Deodorant - Us Cosmetics

Refillable Deodorant - Industrial Design

Us Cosmetics Refillable Deodorant is a product that aims at reducing plastic in the hygiene industry while bringing a soothing and relaxing sensation to the user's body. The product has a unique design inspired by the shape of pebbles that conveys the feeling of cleanliness and a connection to nature. We focused on having an extremely reduced amount of raw materials used in the process and also, that would be discarded after use. As a resulted we achieved a solution based on a three parts system in which the lightest and simplest part is the one discarded.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users