Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden


Rose Garden

Environmental Visual System under minimalism

Rose Garden is in Qujiang District of Xi’an which is a large residential community in modernist style. The designer responded diligently to the abstract context created by architecture and landscape and constructed an environmental visual system consisting of signs, streetlights, urban furniture, etc. Guided by the minimalist artistic concept, the designer chose translucent material for sign material. Empty does not mean nothing, when it reacts with light and shadow and records the change of seasons, it triggers people’s perception for space which is the core of this project. The visible is useful because of the work of the invisible.

Client / Manufacturer


Xi'an, Shanxi Province, CN
Shenzhen Tothree Design

Shenzhen Tothree Design

Shenzhen, CNWu Sun, Yang He, Yi Le, Rui Zhang, Jinxiao Gao, Xuhui Jiang
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users