Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud
Rubrik Security Cloud


Rubrik Security Cloud

SaaS product

With a ransomware attack happening every 11 seconds, businesses are now more concerned than ever about losing their data. Rubrik Security Cloud (RSC) is an all-in-one solution designed to protect companies’ most valuable asset: their data. Our unique consumer grade design offers users a 'one stop solution' to backup data, identify threats, understand what sensitive data has been compromised, and recover in just a few simple clicks! With Rubrik, users gain resilience against cyber attacks, ensure business continuity, and mitigate financial losses, focusing on their core objectives with peace of mind.

Client / Manufacturer

Rubrik Inc.

Palo Alto, US

Rubrik Inc.

Palo Alto, USAnam Bhatia, Cat Utah, Danqing Gao, Dilsad Alatas, Jenny Li, Mukul Bisht, Oded Klimer, Pengfei Wang, Priyanka Raju, Reuven Yamrom, Shirley Lin
Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government, "Enterprise Users"