S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra
S8 Max Ultra


S8 Max Ultra

robot; Intelligent products;Cleaning products

Beijing Roborock Technology Co., Ltd. (Roborock)

S8 Max Ultra is Roborock's new generation of smart WashVac robot set. It features full automation and high intelligence, capable of fully automatic cleaning of the floor based on the user's home environment. Its cleaning efficiency is higher than manual floor cleaning: It can accomplish vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and disinfecting tasks in one go. It is designed to relieve the housework burden on users, granting them more free time at their disposal. Even when idle, it can also serve as a stylish home decor product due to its simple, high-tech appearance.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Asia, North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users