Home Safety Product
‘safe-ever’ is a home safety system that users can easily find in a natural disaster, made up of three products: a desk lamp for earthquake situations, a front door bell in the event of a fire, and a tissue box for everyday emergencies. Currently, there are numerous safety items in houses, but they are often hidden away in drawers due to their mismatch with the interior design. This leads to an unnecessary waste of time to find safety supplies when they are most needed. Safety supplies have been integrated into everyday items in the 'desk and front door' areas, allowing users to access them seamlessly along evacuation routes.
This clever idea combines safety products that are needed infrequently with high-use daily necessities, in a friendly design that can be integrated into daily life while still being prepared for emergency situations.
WINNER STATEMENTOur team believes that design is about making people happy. For that happiness to exist, everyone should feel safe. It is a great honor to be a winner of the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD, and we will continue to strive as designers to create design that makes people safe and happy.
UNIVERSITYHongik University
Seoul, KR
Jihye Choi
Hongik University
Doyeon Lee
Sookmyung Women’s University
Hyerin Lee
Sookmyung Women’s University