SALARIUM Toothpaste
SALARIUM Toothpaste
SALARIUM Toothpaste
SALARIUM Toothpaste


SALARIUM Toothpaste

Health and beauty packaging

Aekyung Industry

SALARIUM is a premium toothpaste brand that contains precious salts from all over the world. The product uses three types of salt: premium sun-dried Guérande Salt from Southern France; the highest-quality Maldon sea salt used by the British royal family; and Andes Salt from the clean glacial waters of the Andes Mountains. The hexagonal logo symbolizes pure crystals of salt. The packaging paper is made of a material that feels like the texture of salt. We wanted to convey the value of premium salt conceptually and thoroughly with a post-processing technique that emphasizes the product's luxury character.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User