Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard
Samsung Clinician Dashboard


Samsung Clinician Dashboard

Web portal for clinicians

Samsung Research America

The Samsung Clinician Dashboard is an all-in-one portal that revolutionizes remote patient monitoring. It collects real-time data from patients' mobile and wearable devices and displays it in an intuitive interface that can be implemented for different hospital outpatient programs. Its tools and analytics help clinicians tackle their administrative tasks and keep up with their outpatients' progress. With the Samsung Clinician Dashboard, clinicians can now organize and prioritize their day more easily and focus more on caring for their outpatients.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
Trade / Industry, Other target groups: Health providers, Healthcare professionals