SAP Sports One
Software solution
SAP SE SAP for Sports and EntertainementSAP Sports One is a platform and suite of apps that provide direct access to user relevant data. This all-in-one sports software has been created in close cooperation with our co-innovation customers, allowing us to gain real-world insights, by using SAP's Design Thinking methodology. Our focus on co-innovation and novel design has helped us to create a product that offers unique applications on various devices, tailored to each user’s needs. It masters this challenge by sending only the specific information needed, directly to the user’s specific device and interface, yet guaranteeing a consistent user experience across devices.
iF Gold Statement
This SAP-designed platform will change the way soccer (football) is played. An all-in-one sports software for connecting players, trainers and fans, this is a professional, playful and graphically superb solution. Suitable for any size league from a village pick-up game to a world championship team, this tool provides superior analysis and implementation functions to catapult your team towards its athletic goals.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
SAP SE SAP for Sports and Entertainement
St. Leon-Rot, DESAP SE SAP for Sports and Entertainment
St. Leon-Rot, DEDate of Launch
Development Time
"Ongoing Software Development"
Target Regions
Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, "Sport User in Sports Clubs/ Associations"